Student of law, 5th year, at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Lazarski University in Warsaw. She was 2nd in the public speaking competition (Konkurs Krasomówczy) organized by the Criminal Law Club (Koło Prawa Karnego) of the Lazarski University. She actively participates in the University Legal Advice Clinic and student scientific clubs connected with, inter alia, international law and constitutional law. She took part in numerous seminars and conferences, such as “Flexible forms of employment in Italy and Poland. Opportunities and threats” (Elastyczne formy zatrudnienia we Włoszech i w Polsce. Szanse i zagrożenia) and “Legal Rhetoric” (Wymowa prawnicza) organized by the Faculty of Law and Administration of the UKSW, the Polish Bar Foundation (Fundacja Adwokatury Polskiej), Legalis, “Edukacja Prawnicza”. She has been building her experience by doing apprenticeship training at the largest law firms in Poland. Her interests include civil substantive law and civil procedural law as well as commercial law.

Karolina Matyga
adwokat / associate