Junior associate, doctoral degree in Humanities (Doktor Nauk Humanistycznych), translator of Ukrainian and Russian. Graduate of doctor studies at Polish Academy of Sciences, scholarship holder of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. She obtained education and completed internships at prestigious foreign academic centres, inter alia, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” and Universiteit Utrecht. Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Silesia, with excellent marks. She defended her Master’s Dissertation within the scope of Russian and Polish criminal procedure titled “Inspection in criminal procedure in view of the comparative legal analysis” („Oględziny w procesie karnym na tle prawnoporównawczym”) under the guidance of dr hab. Jarosław Zagrodnik. After graduation she passed the exam pertaining to advocate training and then she participated therein at the District Bar Council in Częstochowa. She is the winner of the Bar Oratorical Competition in 2017. During her studies she cooperated with law firms in Częstochowa, mainly specializing in economic as well as penal and fiscal law, and in servicing foreign entities from Ukraine and Russia. She focuses her interests on the broadly understood civil law.

dr Anna Semenova
adwokat / associate